
Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Year

My very dear friend and colleague has been a blogging machine recently, and she has inspired me. She is a resolutionist and has been excitedly setting goals for the new year. I am not. I make an effort not to call any goals I set a resolution because I know I never follow through with my resolutions. I always fail miserably.

The new year does seem to be a time to take an accounting of your life, though, to figure out what has gone well in the past year and what you want to change. I've been reading what friends have been posting on Facebook. Some are happy with what they experienced in 2010 and some are thrilled to kick 2010 through the door at midnight. As I've been thinking over the past year, I find myself somewhere in the middle. I had some great experiences in 2010, but there are certainly things that I would rather not relive. I think every year has a bit of both, though, so I expect I'll feel the same way in a year when we are ushering 2011 out the door.

As I said before, I do not make resolutions. I do, however, try to set some goals. I know I may not meet all these goals, but I can always start over later. Maybe putting them in writing will make them more permanent. Goals for 2011 (for now):
1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. (I admit, this is my goal every year, and it never really takes. Maybe this year will be different.)
2. Write more. This will take the form of blogging at least once every two weeks and writing in a journal of thanksgivings almost daily. I say almost daily because I know myself, and I know every day probably won't happen. I'm trying to be realistic.
3. Take a daily vitamin.
4. Try a new recipe at least once a month. I need to expand my personal cookbook.

I'm sure there will be more later. This is enough for now. Maybe even more than enough. I will say, though, that I have ended 2010 in the way I want 2011 to continue. I tried a new recipe (it wasn't bad) and fixed green beans with dinner. I'm blogging and I'm on the way to take a vitamin right now.

Happy New Year!

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