
Sunday, July 18, 2010

2nd July 18, 2010

Today was the most relaxing day we've had since we got here! We had a semi-lazy morning, primarily working in groups on writing curriculum and lesson plans for teachers to use to incorporate Ethiopia in their classrooms. I worked with George and Kelsey who teach 3rd/4th combination classes and Amy and Carol S. who are librarians and we brainstormed all kinds of fun things! We were really on a roll when it was time to stop for lunch and afternoon activities.

This afternoon we went to the home of a woman known by several of the organizers, who they call Tiay, although that is only a nickname. She is a nurse/midwife and one of the co-founders of the first-ever daycare in Ethiopia. She talked about challenges of healthcare in Ethiopia, primarily focusing on challenges to healthcare for women. Her daughter, Salome, works for World Bank and talked about challenges in balancing home, family, and social expectations, which are very different here from what they are in the United States.  We also enjoyed a lovely traditional meal in their home.

You can tell that our little group is growing closer.  Early in the trip, there was lots of chit-chat - fun but mostly meaningless. The conversations have deepened and broadened daily. Today seems to have been a turning point, though. We've gone beyond getting to know each other to being "family" or something like it. The entire dinner, van ride home, and now an hour since we got back, the primary activity has been singing! 80's tunes, R&B, Conway Twitty (courtesy of the van driver's CD), Aretha Franklin, The Supremes, Broadway show tunes, and now Disney musicals! You can tell that some of the Ethiopians are amused and some are just thinking "Crazy Ferengis (foreigners)!"  It has been fun.  :)

Tomorrow we get to tour some schools and then we'll have a couple of lectures in the afternoon by two professors from Addis Ababa University who specialize in Children's Literature.

Until next time,

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