
Monday, July 5, 2010

July 5, 2010

Good morning,
We had a good day yesterday, although our July 4 did not include any fireworks.  :)  We got to wander around the area where we're staying, which was kind of interesting. There were more shops than any of us really expected, and all kinds of people. The kids all like having their picture taken, but we always ask permission before we take their pictures.

Yesterday we worked some on curriculum, started thinking about ways to incorporate this into classrooms, even when the main focus of classrooms is almost exclusively reading and math. We also got to hear about some of the history of Ethiopia. I'd read some about Ethiopia's history before I left, but it was kind of tough because I have absolutely no previous exposure to the topic. I read the book The History of Ethiopia, and then I read the history in the guide book, and then when I heard the lecture yesterday, I felt like I actually knew something! A lot of the history we're discussing took place in the north in Gonder (also spelled Gondar) and Lalibela, where we'll be touring in a couple of days. We'll leave Wednesday and be gone for 10 days, I believe. We'll also be seeing the Blue Nile Falls while we're gone, I think.  I'm excited about that trip!

One thing I've found interesting is that addresses here mean very little. When I had to apply for my entry visa, I was given the address of our guest house. I thought that meant something, but evidently it means very little. A street here might be named something officially, but called something different by everyone. I have only seen one house number the whole time. If people are trying to find our guest house to come for lectures, they come to the sub city and then they call for instructions on how to actually get here!  Sure makes life interesting!

Today we're going to have someone associated with the government who will come and talk to us about schools - this time from a more "official" point of view. This afternoon we'll be going to a music school and museum to learn about traditional music and instruments. We'll also be doing a tour of the city and visiting a mosque, although most of the group won't be able to go in, since we're women. I believe we're also going to some sort of history museum, but I don't remember exactly what the name of it is. 

The weather continues to be lovely. It rained a bit yesterday afternoon and evening, but nothing like I'd expected (knock on wood). It has been mostly sunny and warm!

Hope you're all doing well. Until later...



1 comment:

  1. Hi Alica,
    What a great adventure. This sounds a little like Tanzania, where Dan lived for a couple of years -- plans and schedules that are very loose and old Italian men. What is the official language there?
