
Sunday, July 25, 2010

july 25, 2010

Greetings! Hard to believe that this time next week I'll be on the way home (or maybe all the way home. I haven't taken the time to figure out which).  Things have been much better since my last little rant and rave session on email. The hotel in Arba Minch was a pit, and we did have to stay there 2 nights (yuck), but the cool things we did sure helped make up for it! We started our day on the 22nd with breakfast on the veranda. Usually that is not too exciting, but we were joined by an olive baboon. That sure spiced up the morning meal!  There were a whole family of them that came and hung out. The restaurant posted 2 guards - a woman with a broom and a man with a pocket full of rocks. We saw them later, eating out of the trash bin with the mangy cats that kept annoying us at every meal.
We followed up the baboons with a boat trip on Lake Chamo, one of the Rift Valley Lakes, where we saw lots of birds (pelicans, spoonbills, and others), crocodiles and hippos!  Wow! I can hardly express how amazing that was!  For the afternoon, we went to a village up the mountain from Arba Minch. The village was associated with a people group known as the Dorze. They have really cool homes (I got some good pictures), and they are big-time weavers. We went to a weaving cooperative, a market, and then to a family compound where they showed us how they live, and how they make a bread (kojo) from the false banana tree.  Then, we had a chance to shop after we tried the bread and before the dancing. 
The good thing was the next day, because we got to pack up and LEAVE Arba Minch. We knew we were headed on a long bus trip, but that we were staying at an eco-lodge/coffee plantation that was supposed to be much nicer than where we'd been staying.  Let me tell you, it is REALLY NICE!!!  We are in tukuls (round homes) made of bamboo in the traditional style of the Sidamo people, only the tukuls are updated with lovely things like water and electricity. And clean sheets. It is BEAUTIFUL! Then add to that the fabulous meals...nearly heaven!  We took a tour of the coffee plantation yesterday and the grounds of the lodge. We hiked for probably 3-4 hours, all together. During the first part of the hike, through the coffee plantation, we went through a village area. We were, as always, a source of curiosity and discussion for the people in the village. The kids came and chatted with us or just smiled at us and walked with us. They talked with our guide and I had to laugh when I heard the discussion!  Evidently, they wanted to know if a ferangi (foreigner) died and we were the funeral procession.  :)  Nope, just touring around!
A really good thing is that we've actually extended our stay here because everyone is SO happy here and it is SO wonderful! We'll only be staying in Awassa one night and at Lake Longano one night, then back to Addis to wrap up the trip. How did a month go so quickly?  Guess when you're busy and learning, time flies!
Will write again as I have time. I'm due at a coffee ceremony in a few minutes (no, I have not started drinking coffee, but the cermony should be interesting).  I was sad to hear that Elliot is allergic to Archie. Poor Elliot! I'm sure Archie feels bad about causing such a terrible reaction.  :(
Be home soon!


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